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Peninsula Athletic League
The Peninsula Athletic League is a 17-member school league. It was formed into a CCS "Super League" in 1996 with the merging of the former NPL and PAL into one big basic league. Schools in our league are geographically located from Atherton to Daly City. Our 17 member schools are divided into "divisions" or "supplemental leagues" by sport according to the strength of each school's program in that particular sport. Our Bay Division is the strongest of our two Bay and Ocean Divisions. We include a Lake division for baseball, football, and boys and girls soccer, in addition to DeAnza and El Camino Divisions for the sport of football.
Board of Managers
The league is governed by a Board of Managers consisting of the Principal of each school. The Athletic Directors from each of our schools meet and make recommendations on many issues to our Board of Managers. The League employs a Commissioner to oversee the daily operation of the league.
Learn More
Terry Stogner
Commissioner, Peninsula Athletic League (PAL)
Email: tstogner@smcoe.org
Phone: (650) 802-5455